Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Legos, I hate you

Hate is not a word we're allowed to use in our house, but here I make an exception, I HATE Legos.  There's really no way around it "dislike" isn't a strong enough word to convey my disdain for these little cubes of death.

I have stepped on them (and felt the spikes they grow in the dark of night), vacuumed them, thrown them away, dug them out of the babies mouth, they are cubes of pure evil.
Yep pure evil right there on my stairs, waiting to attack. (I won't go into asking why this is the preferred construction site)

I curse the inventor on an almost daily basis while looking for the "one key piece" to build whatever horrifically complicated thing my son is insisting upon building.  Then comes the BIG problem, the 3 in one Lego set, 1 set of pieces to build 3 different things.  Great idea, right?  Less pieces to keep track of, 3 different vehicles to build, more Lego fun for your money.   No.... Terrible idea.  Clearly the guy in product development doesn't have a Lego loving 4 year old.  If he did he would know the fit that is going to ensue when I tell  Mr. C that we have to destroy his helicopter to build the boat or the car.  (A mom totally would have realized this, thought ahead and thrown in a few extra pieces for combining all three into an amphibious flying vehicle)  There's also the pieces that stick together like they are glued, really how are you supposed to get those little lights and flat finish pieces off?
Right here, these little blue pieces, they don't come off, it's like they're stuck on with some sort of nuclear glue.

 Of course then there are the ones that I've actually glued together.... shhh don't tell Cole, when he figures it out I'm going to be in so much trouble!  But seriously how many times am I expected to put the roof on the firetruck.
After the 700th fit about the lights coming off I got out the super glue, problem solved :) At least for now.

These little cubes I curse so hard my son celebrates with equal enthusiasm.  He loves them and I mean LOVES them.
Big ones, little ones, put them in front of him and he will build something.  (but of course we much prefer the small ones!)

 This weekend we went to the children's museum and he discovered the "Lego room".  Upon entry he proclaimed "Mom I want THIS many Legos!"  He was in heaven, I was in my own personal hell.  His enthusiastic proclamation tells me the Legos are here to stay.  My son being the persistent little guy he is keeps asking "Mommy, can I get MORE legos at home?"  My reply to just make the question stop, "You learn to build the new boat one you have, BY YOURSELF, and I will get you more Legos"  So we come home and he does this the next morning.
 By himself... Crap....
Then he modifies it, remember the amphibious flying vehicle I was talking about... Told ya... a mom so would have thought ahead with that kit and put in the extra parts.

I was trying to find the silver lining thinking about this amphibious vehicle and all the great things he's learning from it.
1.) Hours of screen free play
2.) Problem solving
3.) Following written directions
4.) Counting
5.) Simple math skills
6.) Lots of imagination
7.) Engineering stuff
8.) Fine Motor 
9.) Patience 
10.) Completing something start to finish
and 11 might be my favorite
11.) Quiet play

I'm sure there's more, his little mind is a sponge right now.  Big questions and lots of them, all the time.  All of which require answers, immediately.  The kid keeps me on my toes.

So I suppose if you take out all the threats of bodily harm Legos bring to the table (to adults and babies mind you) they're not so bad.  

Ok Legos, I don't hate you.  I just strongly dislike you most of the time.  (However, I don't promise I won't continue to throw you away and curse your inventor)